Pewdiepie's Day Off

if he follows his target through the crowded city mark market he realizes he is being followed. He looks behind him and she's a beautiful brunette girl. As it turns back around to see his target it is gone. Damn acres is. As he walks near and Ally someone grabs his arm and pulls in. Is the brunette girl. Hello I am a prostitute would you like to have sex for money. He agrees. After 10 minutes of hot steamy love. He climaxes into her young teen Virginia. He zipped up his assassins pants. And he pays the girl in gold coins. He climbs a typed up the Bow S. Er cake factory and looks in one of the windows. He sees his target next to a cake fat. It is the perfect opportunity to kill him. He climbs down the building. And he kicks open the front door. There is two workers so he kill them with a store. T climbs up the metal railings to the catwalk. And runs behind his target he grabbed him by the shoulder and throw them into the oil in cake. He has his contract. He goes to the nearest mail carried and send news to the Bureau. as he's mailing the letter he has it he looks at the mail lady she isn't very beautiful. She goes out to her and start flirting with her. She invites him to her apartment for coffee. As he went into the apartment she saw hey babe . She push it onto the bed and took off his ass and family. He made love with the mail carrier and and she made love back. That is the day in the life of an assassinate.?

The End...?